Why We Create

Posted by Posted by Jay Abstract On 8:32 PM

I am a collector of useful quotes. To me, there is nothing like seeing something in writing that takes your random thoughts, feelings & emotions and streamlines them into a clever line of text for you to reference when difficult situations rear their ugly head.

A few of my favorites, for my own personal reasons, include:

"Never make someone a priority who is only making you an option."

"If you stay in one place long enough, you become that place."


"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

And while each of these is useful in their own way, and can be beneficial given the right location and setting, the 3rd applies to nearly everything we do, because everything we're doing is, in a sense, an action.

What I think many of us don't realize, however, is that an action does not neccesarily need to be a physical event. A thought can be an action. Study the effects of the subconscious mind on the body and you will see this very quote in action time and time again.

Our bodily actions are in fact not actions at all. They are reactions to signals sent by our brain. If you're hungry, then you eat. If you're thirsty, then you drink. If you're angry... Well, that depends on who you are. Just bring adequate bail money.

So with that being said, I ask you: Why do we create?

While not everyone is of the creative mindset, of course, there is an overwhelming amount of people who draw, jot down poems, write, sing, etc. All different avenues, but all creative endeavours.

And while I'm sure there are artists of every genre that pick up a pen, microphone or camera for every reason imaginable, I think the primary reason is releasal. One look at Hollywood exposes the dark underbelly behind the beauty of creation. Drug addictions, mental breakdowns & suicides seem to run rampant among the realities of those that attempt to create their own.

We all have our wants, wishes & desires, but there is only so much we can accomplish in the real world. The creative type seems to be the person that wants to create a reality not viable for them otherwise. And by this I don't mean it has to be a world of dragons and castles and magic. It could simply be that an abused female wants to create a world where she is in control, or a shy member of the drama club wants to be the popular quarterback. We might not title the characters as ourselves, but they are truly a reflection of us. How else would we know what to write? We cannot write about something we haven't experienced, or else it will not be accurate.

Creative types seem to often be much more unstable in this world than in their created ones. And it is usually because they have chosen to put the majority of their attention and focus into that which they've created for themselves. This is the world that matters to them.

Or... Should I say us. As I stated above, we cannot write about something we haven't experienced. I leave it up to common sense and reasoning that you can draw the connection between myself and this article.

We write to alter our reality, fix what cannnot be fixed, and right our wrongs. To some it may seem laughable. To us, it's essential.

I gave up long ago on caring about how people react to it. It's the ultimate form of "putting yourself out there", and it takes courage to do in the first place. Those who mock only wish they had what it took.

I don't have to prove to you the value of what I'm doing. We can argue back and forth about it and it isn't going to matter anyways...

Because I'm just going to go write about it later.

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1 Comment

  1. jenskie Said,

    hi jay. great post. i dreamed of being a karate master before but now its just an illusion :)

    have a lovely day!

    Posted on November 8, 2009 at 10:51 PM


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